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Ciberagua: The Water Sector facing the challenges of cybersecurity




9:00 - 13:30


Auditorio (6ª planta)

Sign up

09:00 h | Accreditation

09:30 h | Welcome

  • Kepa Odriozola, President of the Bilbao Bizkaia Water Consortium
  • Joseba Inchaurraga, President Ibermática Fundazioa

09:40 h | Institutional opening

  • Regional Minister of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment Basque Government
  • Deputy for Public Administration and Institutional Relations DFB

10:05 h | Let's talk about cybersecurity in the water sector

  • Mariano González, CEO of Canal Isabel II (CYII)

10:35 h | Industrial cybersecurity, the playing field is widening

  • Álvaro Fraile, Director, Cybersecurity Services, Global Group (AYESA)

11:00 h | Coffee Break

11:30 h | Sectorial Panel 1. Cybersecurity Dialogue for a Secure Digital Ecosystem


  • José Valiente, Director and Head of Coordination of the Centre for Industrial Cybersecurity


  • Javier Diéguez, Managing Director at Cyberzaintza
  • Maria Penilla, General Manager of ZIUR Industrial Cyber Security Center - Gipuzkoa
  • Asier Erkoreka Arruza, Director of Security Coordination (Department of Cybersecurity of the Basque Government)

12:15 h | Sectorial Panel 2. How to mitigate cyber threats in the water and sanitation sector?


  • Ricardo Llorente, Director of the Cybersecurity Centre of the CYII and President Cybersecurity Commission of AEAS


  • Alfonso López-Escobar, Secretary of the Information Security Commission of AEAS, CISO of EMASESA
  • José Luis Unzueta, Deputy Director of Information Technology of CABB
  • Francisco Javier Pascual de Astorza, Department of Information Systems Global Omnium-Aguas de Valencia

13:00 h | Institutional closing

13:15 h | Lunch
